About Me

- Mattia
- Perth, WA, Australia
- Hi everybody!!
My name is Matt.
I am a 3D artist who is dedicated, passionate and thrives on learning new skills.
My aim in life is to be the best I possibly can be at what I do.
I hope you like what you see and don't be afraid to ask any questions.
Thank you all
Email : mostro@iinet.net.au
Monday, November 30, 2009
Recent Projects

Some Old work that I thought might be worthy of sharing

In the beginning there was nothing.....
Hi everybody and welcome to my blog!!!!
This is my first entry so I would like to begin by introducing myself.
My name is Matt and I am a Digital artist.
I currently live in Australia and moved here 9 years ago (2000) at the age of 13.
My parents had enough of Italy and, with the country's many political and economic problems left behind, decided to immigrate to give their 3 sons (me and my 2 little brothers) a life.
After a steep learning curve to kick-start my English language and several years making friends and playing video games I met a skateboarder Named Russel (who I called Raitzu for years due to my heavy accent and understanding problems.) who was doing a Computer science degree. One day he decided to show me some of the neat projects he was working on and introduced me to a program named Milkshape 3D.
He had to create a character for the popular Counter-Strike and import it in the game successfully to pass his assignment.
That was the day (sometime in 2002) that I became hooked on 3D modelling and the beginning of my career in Digital art. (Thank you Raitzu hehehe)
I have been in the CGI industry for about 3 years now with an extra 5 years of personal projects and studies.
I specialize in 3D which can vary from architectural pieces to characters for games.
My passion begun on one beautiful morning after Christmas in 1993 when my father decided to introduce me to the Nintendo gaming console.(Oh what a day!)
Hooked on videogames from the age of 5 I grew up wanting 1 thing in life...... yes you guessed it!!
Making art for games!!!!
So here I am!
After 2 years studying multimedia at the West Coast Tafe of Joondalup, and after winning a series of prizes I was hired at a mining simulation Company named Immersive Technologies.
Thinking of myself as a 3D genius didn't help. I realized I knew so little about what my work involved and, thanking my talented co workers at Immersive, I underwent through an immense transformation in my skills.
After a year and a half filled with improvements in both my skills in 3D modelling, texturing animation etc. etc. the financial crisis hit Australia.
(Wasn't really a crisis. It was just a lot of big companies literally doing number 2's in their pants because of a stock market crash and, in consequence, started a worldwide chain reaction that ultimately reached even the smaller companies in Australia.)
Due to this minor inconvenience I, and many other workers in the world, was made redundant.(No grudges held. I still see my ex co-workers)
After 3 months of job applications being sent to various 3D companies (and after my very nice first visit back to Italy in 9 years) I was contacted by Simon Wittber. The company he was working for needed a 3D artist to help with their latest serious game. A Simulation of BHP's Port Hedland operations up in the north of Western Australia.
Well well..... what a spill.....
Anyway this leads me to now and since I can't read into the future I'l end my first post with this.
Thanks to all who read this and if you have any questions feel free to ask them.
Over and out.